7-13 years
This activity permits to help participants feel comfortable one with another and get to know more about each other. To help them to better work in teams. the-string-game
This activity permits to raise awareness for the local community or local authorities about specific problems and challenges of a group of youngsters or of a small community photo-voice
This activity permits to raise awareness in the local community about different problematic topics, to interact with local citizens and to involve them in dialogue living-exhibition
This activity permits to work together in order to give a new face to the city and to better get to know different places in the city.
To have fun while using and improving the creativity theatre-activity
The aim of this activity is to learn different cultures with art string-art
The aim of this activity is to create a book step by step story-creation
Learn useful words and them cultures from local peoples spread
This activity permits to improve music skills and compose a song song-composing
This activity permits to combining Ideas with Hand Skills sculpture