the aim of this game is to connect Human needs and Human rights. The educational interest is to separate wants from needs sailing to a new land ILTA
The aim of this game is to have a concret view of the world population, be able to separate the « village » (group) in several « little groups » and keep all the world (identity) proportions. if the world was a village
This game is a simulation of a meeting of two cultures. Find the key to foreign cultural behavior; analyze the effects of meeting with a foreign culture. A team of engineers goes to another country in order to teach the people there how to build a bridge. The Derdians & Engineers
This activity permits to raise creativity, team work and active listening. The participants will form a circle either sitting on chairs either standing up, depends on how they feel more comfortable and on how much they want to gesticulate. Storytelling Circle
The purpose of the game is to find the exit of the labyrinth, being blindfolded and supported by a “good angel” (another participant), focusing on the information received through senses. Paradise of Senses
The aim of this activity is to raise the awareness regarding worldwide topics like environment protection, economic issues, social inclusion, inequalities, culture fields, etc. Educational Movie Night
It’s a strategic game card similar to the game “mafia” but with defenders of human rights, dictators and a Human Rights Institution freedom defender against dictatorship
The goal of this card game is to promote empathy with others who are different, to raise awareness about the inequality of opportunities in society and to foster an understanding of possible personal consequences of belonging to certain social minorities or cultural groups standard activity ILTA – one step forward
This game can be used as a warmer or energizer, enables concentration by using rhythm, voice, and body. To concentrate by using simulatinously body, voice and creating a rhythm standard activity ILTA2
It’s a game about self-discovering, to reflect about yourself and your surroundinng. To be creative. standard activity ILTA