ILTA is the strategy partnership between four countries (Czech Republic, Romania, Turkey, Macedonia and France). We evolve this kind tool for each other partner, organization or person who needs information about innovation leisure time activities.
Leisure time has difficult a definition. Everybody can find different view of leisure time. But for youth workers is important use the leisure activities like instrument/tool for development of youth.
ILTA would like to be the big database of leisure time activities for children and youth around the Europe or world. In the database you can find the inspiration for your activities, workshops, … or just leisure time.
ILTA for youth is the project supported by programme Erasmus+. Erasmus+ is the programme for youth around the EU and other countries. This kind programme can use each European countries (and other programme countries of EU).
Quick search or select of your favourite leisure activities
Duct tape game -
Four on a couch -
Interview game -
fruit salad -
the alphabet back game -
Blanket game -
Create your own team building activity -
Grab the finger -
Name pantomime -
Two truths and a lie -
I have a little house -
Protect the egg -
Human knot -
Kin Ball -
Kubb -
Palet breton -
Who is missing? -
Who am i? -
Trust me -
Rock, paper and more -
Multidimensional chair -
Drawing your feelings -
Do you love your neighbour? -
Dinner in the dark -
Charlie’s chocolate factory -
Bang ! -
Go -
Hours -
Dance with veils -
Open space -
Self-development like a way -
Pentago -
Quoridor -
Sand painting -
Puppet theater -
Muzicando -
Music of the senses -
Map of Europe -
world cafe -
Graphic facilitation -
The string game -
Photo voice -
living exhibition -
Give color to the city -
Albatros culture -
Video shot -
Encaustic with action -
Unchain Your Borders -
Improvisational Theatre -
string Art -
Story creation -
Spread -
song composing -
Sculpture -
Rug-ing -
Play for nature -
Pandomina -
Origami world -
Latin dance -
Ebru turquey -
Body song -
made your dreamcatcher -
problem solving – sequence of numbers 2 -
problem solving – sequence of numbers -
graffiti -
All the best -
playing roles in snoezelend -
secret friend -
hot wax musical painting -
light and sound meditation -
problem solving – boosting trust -
getting to know the snoezelen -
camp fire and barbeque night -
intercultural party -
swimming pool activities -
Rafting -
paragliding in tandem -
guided tour of your city -
Escape room -
Adrenaline Park -
discover and test wood game -
shadow theater -
water train -
splash the baloon -
Human-power transportation -
flying run -
collaboration of sticks -
Bicycle with no pedals -
Are you pulling my legs? -
Ebru -
concealed colors -
4 up -
Amoeba Electric Fence -
Follow this way -
The Duct tape printer -
drop the ball -
game of possibilities -
lifeboat game -
T-shirt stamping -
Encaustic art – basic -
shamatic drums -
speed dating culinaire -
face to face -
Eat the carrot -
games with balls -
Ant -
Create your comic ! -
sailing to a new land -
if the world was a village -
The derdians and Engineers -
Storytelling circle -
Paradise of senses -
Educational movie night -
Freedom defender against dictatorship -
Take a step forward -
Tonti Tonti -
Brand Yourself -
Parachute -
Abigale – intercultural games

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